Where the Field Ends | Teen Ink

Where the Field Ends

November 20, 2018
By haleigh123isme SILVER, Henry, Ohio
haleigh123isme SILVER, Henry, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was reading this article I felt as though I was in the fields running. When she said, “You begin to run through the flowers blissfully,” I felt the joy of running through the bright, yellow flowers while the sun shone in the blue sky. About half way through the story though, I started feeling a bit sad. The story I started talking about the sunflowers that were stomped on and dead because of running through the fields. When she said, “Its stem bent at a grotesque angle,” in my imagination, the sky seemed to fade from blue to gray while the sun shone faint from beneath the clouds. I felt as though I had hurt the flowers to benefit me and make me happy, but then I felt sorry for the plants that had been smashed.

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