Double Vision | Teen Ink

Double Vision

November 27, 2018
By Wooten BRONZE, Continental, Ohio
Wooten BRONZE, Continental, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Double Vision,” written by Lucy Q., talks about his eyesight. I can’t really say I can relate with the author. I can kind of understand because I have terrible eyesight. She stated, “My ophthalmologist calls it a visual impairment or ‘oculocutaneous albinism,’ if he wants to sound fancy. I just say I have bad eyes.”  Lucy Qin’s writing left me feeling surprised. I’m also very surprised that she sees this as a benefit or blessing, most people would probably make excuses why they couldn’t do a certain thing. She stated, “One area of my life in which this viewpoint has been especially useful is my wrestling career.”  Instead she takes it in stride. I see this too in my town, just not as bad. It’s just people with terrible eyesight. This is a very well-written article. I never had any trouble reading anything.   

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