I Am a Revolutionary | Teen Ink

I Am a Revolutionary

December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

The article "I Am a Revolutionary" is a beautifully worded, and powerful piece that truly touched my heart and spoke to me personally. The author, being only 14, is unbelievably intelligent and educated on current events and issues. I really really admire their courage to share so much of their personal information and struggles. It defintiely gave me courage, myself being a queer transgender 13-year-old. It broke my heart to read the pain the author had to go through, but it also made me feel less alone. I have only come out to 5 people as transgender, and by submitting this I risk coming out to my entire eighth grade writing class. But this article gave me the courage to be open about who I am, and that is a very hard thing to do with one page worth of text. Anonymous, I admire you. "I Am a Revolutionary" shows how important it is to at least try to make even the smallest difference, and how you're never too young to be a revolutionary.

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