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December 10, 2018
By JulieKorman BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
JulieKorman BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Grandma Rose” by Kalie Scirpo is an amazing piece about her grandmother.  She brings us into the moment by telling us what her home smells like, and then how her grandma is always cooking.  We get her character not just through her dialogue, but also through what she and her kitchen look like. Small details, like how her grandma gets her nails done and has a mosaic kitchen make the memoir unique, and show much she appreciates Grandma Rose.

Though this story is special to Kalie, I can’t help but notice similarities between her grandma and mine.  My grandmas are always cooking for my family. One of them can barely stand yet cooks for hours, and the other won’t stop serving us until we’ve all had seconds.  I have to beg her to sit down and enjoy her delicious creations. “I’ve never wanted anything for myself,” they say. They are providers. Kalie’s Grandma Rose is the same way.  Kalie’s dad has to say “‘Ma, sit down,” which is exactly what my dad says to his mom.  His mom is just as maternal as Grandma Rose.  This heartwarming tale of gratitude toward grandparents is a piece everyone can connect to.

The author's comments:

My great-grandma's name was Rose, which was what drew me to the piece.

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