Mario Kart Wii is bad | Teen Ink

Mario Kart Wii is bad

December 11, 2018
By Anonymous

I disagree completely with this piece. It reminds me of every single time I've ever tried to give this wreck of a game a chance. This game is a racing game, but it has one fatal flaw; the controls are so bad they're essentially unusuable for the target demographic. Maybe it's just me, but I can't play a single game without crashing all the time. It happens so much the game was barely playable anymore. Others say its only because of "revolutionary" motion controls, but if a little budge to the controller can spin the cart almost half a turn, then it's a "revolutionary" way to ruin the experience. Overall, it can't be played correctly, and I'm glad I haven't picked up my wii controller in a long time

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