Learning to Love Without Words | Teen Ink

Learning to Love Without Words

March 26, 2019
By Alejandraa05 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Alejandraa05 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “Learning to love without words” by Heather, the title itself cements a sanguine feeling, yet the article leaves a morose aftertaste. Speaking in my native tongue has always been an important and unwritten rule in my household. As someone who has witnessed the younger generation in my extended family grow, the need to use our mother tongue became less and less. When the author addressed that “there were words i wanted to offer her, but the words fell short every time”, it hit close to home simply, because the the older generation sees the younger generation struggle in speaking and because there are people who I have encountered that don’t speak my language although they are of my ethnicity. When they do try to speak, the meaning they are trying to get across is not received. Growing up my father always told my siblings and I that not being able to speak their language would be an eternal disappointment and disrespect to our ancestry. I completely agree with the sentence “A language is supposed to be an association, a link, and a common love” because it’s very true in my family and is something i personally believe in. Thank you, Heather, for showing the perspective that some bilingual people are faced with.      

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