Generation WTH? | Teen Ink

Generation WTH?

March 26, 2019
By DANI-B BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
DANI-B BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Article "Genration WTH?" was really intriguing to me. This article touches upon teenage mentality and why most teens think the way they do. I found this piece to be interesting seeing how not so many teenagers talk about teenage mentality. The author uses personal experiences within the article which make the article seem more personal allowing for the reader to gain a connection with the author. Just like the author i believe that our generation is the generation that doesn't" know what to do with the world given to them". Our generation knows that sooner or later things will end which is why we dont care what we do. To me this article was a sort of wakeup call that we need to start caring. Our generation has to take what we have been given and make something good with it, someting that will help out everyone cause if we dont who will?

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