Generation WTH? | Teen Ink

Generation WTH?

March 26, 2019
By Anonymous

The article "Generation WTH?" by Sarah Clemens descibes a traumatic experience that developed a new persona for Clemens. Clemens describes how when she was at a young age she deveolped "an intense fear of death" due to a school shooting. Clemens notes that the experience was a false alarm. The false alarm had caused a negative effect to her mentality. Clemens describes how throughout life, her fear of death from the experience had changed her completely. The experience had changed her appearance and mindset. Clemens commetns saying how the traumatic experience of feeling when she was younger during the false alarm abuot the fear of death was "turning [her] into a darker person". As she entered into her dark persona she was questioned by numerous of people asking if she was emo or suicidal. I can relate this relate to this articel as I have experienced a traumatic experience as well. The experience has changed my perspective on life as well as my appearance. A person experiencing  traumatic event can be effected negatively in a psychological and emotionally way. Thank you for sharing your story.

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