Foreign Identity by Dumebi Onogwu Review | Teen Ink

Foreign Identity by Dumebi Onogwu Review

March 27, 2019
By jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Foreign Identity” by Dumebi O. delves into the experiences of an African immigrant in the United States. She explains that her name, Chukwudumebi Olivia O, is a mixture of both her Nigerian and American identities. Dumebi mentions that most people decide to use her middle name, Olivia, because it is considered “unpronounceable” to most. Although this may be the case, she feels strongly connected to her first name and her Nigerian roots.

Dumebi  explains how she finds it important that her culture is preserved. I personally agree with Dumebi that it is extremely important for our future generations to not only adapt to American cultures but also keep their cultural ties and roots as well. As a daughter of an immigrant father, I understand how much of a struggle it has become to “fit” into both American and Hispanic lifestyles and trends. I think Dumebi does a good job explaining the struggle of “immigrants” in America in modern day although American culture in itself is defined by immigrants. 

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