The Anxiety I Carry | Teen Ink

The Anxiety I Carry

August 26, 2019
By charlene1 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
charlene1 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could relate to Amy from Michigan when she wrote about how anxiety can easily overtake one’s everyday experiences and situations. Her story advises others that its okay for anxiety to kick in on situations where you think you’ve overcome it or when you feel a sense of doubt within yourself. Amy explains her struggle dealing with social anxiety and how it played an effect with not just her fear of public speaking but when she is “forced into something social.” Anxiety is not something to simply brush off your shoulder or to deal with and to just move on. Most days it’s difficult for me to handle my social anxiety because I overthink about the things I’m missing such as when I cancel plans with my friends when they call to hang out or introducing myself and who I am to others which leads me to make me feel like I’m distancing myself from everybody even when I am doing just fine. Thank you so much Amy for sharing your story because it lets me know that I am not alone in feeling this way. I hope that your story lets others see that anxiety is a real emotion to have and is something kids, teens and adults shouldn’t be afraid to talk about and have.

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