I Stink at Texting | Teen Ink

I Stink at Texting

September 26, 2011
By cob40 BRONZE, Defience, Ohio
cob40 BRONZE, Defience, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The use of Texting

Isabella Chirico wrote “I Stink at Texting”, in the September 2011 Teen Ink article. In this passage of writing, it is about a girl who hates texting and would rather talk to people in person rather over a text.

She would rather talk to her boyfriend in person instead of texting or over a phone. I agree with this girl that people should talk to each other in person rather than a text. I would rather talk to my friends in person, and we can have a better time and laugh and joke with each other. Also, texting can get boring because all a person does is send words without any expressions. Like this girl, I would rather talk to my girlfriend in person rather over a text because a person never knows how the other person really feels. I don’t think there is a big problem with this at Ayersville. Most of the people know each other and get along, and that’s how I would like it to stay the way it is.

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