She's Beauty | Teen Ink

She's Beauty

December 1, 2011
By Lakersgirl SILVER, Phx, Arizona
Lakersgirl SILVER, Phx, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I completely agree with Courtney in her story about her adopted little sister. The moment I was done reading the article “She’s Beauty” written by Courtney D I was touched very greatly. It’s just so sad to think about all the little children that have turned into orphans because their parents either died, or the parents did not want them so they dropped them off at an orphanage as a baby. If I was Courtney, I would feel exactly the same. When Courtney says,” I wouldn’t trade her for a Beatles’ record , diet soda machines, and Daniel Radcliffe marriage proposals in the world,” I felt the same way. If I ever gave my little sister away or my bother I would die. They support me in every way they can. I love them to much too ever give them away. The same with my parents. I would protect my brother and sister to the end of the world. I would let nothing happen to them, just the same as Courtney would do. Thank you Courtney I really do appreciate the making of this lovely story. It really touched my heart, and I will always remember it.

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