The Gift of a Smile | Teen Ink

The Gift of a Smile

December 11, 2012
By apodrug03 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
apodrug03 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A massive standing ovation goes to Corey V. for publishing his humbling fictional short story, "The Gift of a Smile." I came into the passage not know what I was going to read, and I ended up with a thirst for more. Corey started the tale off modestly; then, he took twists and turns that proved to be more shocking than that of recent well selling novels. Clearly, Corey has a knack for story telling and that shows in his writing techniques.

Coming from a completely sappy heart, I declared the ending to be most idolizing. When the old man glanced at his reflection in the car door window and stated that his smile "was the only thing worth a damn that he'd ever given his daughter," tears were just about welling in my eyes. It is simple to claim that the story deeply moved me and most likely everyone else that has read it. There truly is nothing like a good ol' story of love, life, and the pursuit of happiness.

So, thank you, Corey! Your writing was a masterpiece in all but one thousand words.

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