Feedback On the Art Gallery | Teen Ink

Feedback On the Art Gallery

March 8, 2013
By Stephen Nowak BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Stephen Nowak BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

My favorite part of reading your Teen Ink magazine is looking at your art gallery. I like to look at all the different art that all these different kids draw and create. I like to look at all of there work and step into each persons world of imagination and understand why they drew these picture and what it is about.

There is one thing that I dislike about the art gallery. The on thing that I dislike about the art gallery is when I find a piece of art that I can’t imagine or understand. I dislike this because imagining and understanding ones meaning of art is extraordinary because you can see all these different views and meanings of a piece of art.

I took a small survey of fifteen random people. When I took this survey I asked them, if you were in the art gallery section of a Teen Ink magazine and you found a piece of art that you could not understand, would you like to have a small sub caption explaining what the piece of art is and why? Fourteen out of fifteen people said yes.

You could resolve this issue by, adding a small sub caption of what the picture is about and why? You could take a survey of your own from those artists out there. You could even add a small section for small articles of the art.

Stephen N.

The author's comments:
I hope people see what i see and look at all these cool views of art.

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