Feedback: Video Game and Movie Reviews | Teen Ink

Feedback: Video Game and Movie Reviews

March 8, 2013
By Boltman2117 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Boltman2117 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Inc.,

I love all your reviews and non-fiction section, mostly the movie and video game reviews. Although I would like it if you put the video game section next to the other reviews because in the March issue the sports section was right in-between the video game and movie review sections. Also it would be good to add more pages to the movie and video game. I got angry and confused all at the same time because there are hundreds of movies and video games made. A lot of my friends and I agree that that it is not enough pages. There is just one more thing. Please do more reviews on consol games like NBA 2K 13 and Black Ops 2 because the only consol games done in March was Batman Arkham City. Don’t get me wrong but that is a good game but there needs to be more. Please take this into consideration.

Thank you,

Robert S.

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