Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You MAG

February 6, 2014
By joyaun SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
joyaun SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I have had a account and a subscription to the magazine for a mere five months, and I would like to say thanks. Thank you for giving teenagers an opportunity to be published and allowing us to express our feelings. I wish I had found this magazine sooner; it has helped me bloom as a writer and show others my voice.

Not only does this magazine have fiction and nonfiction, but articles that teenagers as a whole can relate to. I have never found any magazine with this diversity. I especially value the reviews section. I bought the album “Pure Heroine” after reading a review of it, and have not stopped listening since. Trust is important in a relationship, and I have that with Teen Ink.

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