California King Bed | Teen Ink

California King Bed

February 11, 2014
By Yesenia25 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Yesenia25 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Shannon Bailey's article "California King Bed" very interesting. It starts off talking about how she meets a guy and they start a relationship. She talks about how the trust between them begins to grow and they give each other everything. When she says "Suddenly, work began to pick up," that's when I could see the turning point in the story. They were becoming more distant and didn't talk to each other the way the did before. Then one day she see's him in bed with his arm around another girl, that's when she knew it was over. I think this article teaches us to be careful who we trust. People don't always turn out to be who they were at first.

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