Valentine's Day for One By Madison Enicott | Teen Ink

Valentine's Day for One By Madison Enicott

February 11, 2014
By Sammi Hagg BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sammi Hagg BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I commend Madison Endicott for trying out the single Valentine's Day Date in the article Valentine's Day for One. Although, in the beginning she started to feel lonely. As she started to eat she was very happy. I would not have been able to go out on date alone seeing all of those couples. The fact that someone paid for her dinner was very touching, t sucks though that she did not get to thank them. This article is touching because instead of staying home for another year alone, she tried a date for one, and even though she didn't like the out come she was glad she tired it.

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