For the Love of Chocolate | Teen Ink

For the Love of Chocolate

October 17, 2014
By Lexi_marie008 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Lexi_marie008 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"For the Love of Chocolate"  By Elizabeth Einstien is an extrordanarily written piece that any sweets lover in their right mind can relate to. By bringing the quote that every chocolate addict says to a standstill, Einstein says that not only is chocolate a delicious comfort food, but also healthy! 

     Just like the rest of the world, i appreciate a good, yummy piece of chocolate every once in a while so to see a relable article like this was refreshing. I'd like to thank Elizabeth Einstein for sharing such a relatable piece that gives us readers  an excuse to eat more chocolate! 

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