Feedback on "Silence Is Golden" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Silence Is Golden"

November 7, 2014
By MundaneSoul SILVER, New York City, New York
MundaneSoul SILVER, New York City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Silence Is Golden” by Kiana Blount is an accurate, down-to-earth article that skips straight to the point on the depiction of “the quiet student.” Being a reserved person myself, “Silence is Golden” stood out to me for being the authentic truth that many others often do not see. Her article tells of how modern society does not understand that just saying “’You’re too quiet’ or ‘Speak up’” doesn’t actually help. Teachers label silence as something to be ashamed of, a flaw that should be erased. For students that are shy or reticent by nature, they are immediately labeled as the quiet ones, those who are purposely reluctant to participate during class discussions.
Teachers, educators, and teenagers need to stop telling quiet students to speak up. Simply words will not help us sprout wings of bravery. As our instructors, they should put forwards the effort to put themselves in our shoes and reassure us that our personality trait is not a negative characteristic. In “Silence is Golden,” it states, “…if even one teacher had explained to me that being quiet wasn’t something to be ashamed of, it would have spared me a lot of heartaches.” Verbal communication may be a significant skill to have in our lives, but if educators want us to improve in it, they should at least try to assist us in practicing our social abilities. As suggested in the article, if there could be a communication aid offered at schools, many introverted students would have become more motivated already.
“Silence is Golden” is the voice of millions of timid students across the country all packed together in a single, eloquent work. For those that are shy, who are quiet and for those that are too afraid to speak up, this well-written article is the banner that many of us carry in our hearts. “Silence Is Golden” is a candid, brilliant piece that should be considered by today’s society, one that questions the label of “the quiet student” and really portrays how many of us feel behind our cloak of silence. Thus, I would like to thank Kiana Blount for giving life to my thoughts through her articulate words and powerful writing.

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