Feedback on "Homecoming" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Homecoming"

November 8, 2014
By Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle"

       I have recently read a memoir called "Homecoming" by Martha Ellis in the November issue of Teen Ink. This brilliantly written piece captured my heart. It was about a little girl and her long-awaited meet with her father, who was coming home from a two-year deployment in Iraq. This sentimental memoir depicted the little girl's anxiety and excitement and it was an eye opening piece. 

        "Homecoming" was not only beautifully written, but it was also extremely descriptive. The author did an amazing job describing her feelings and emotions. For example, she states, "I am standing in a sea of people, clinging to the ice-cold metal fence, becoming more and more aware of the prickling numbness spreading through my fingers." This hauntingly beautiful line made chills go down my spine. Descriptive words and vivid expressions urged me to read on. Overall, this piece is definitely a must-read and it will capture and appeal to every teen's emotions. 

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