Support After Sexual Assault by Alex H. | Teen Ink

Support After Sexual Assault by Alex H.

December 4, 2014
By Mayra Ramirez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mayra Ramirez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"support after sexual assult" written by Alex H. is a well told story event that events like these actually happen today. Now in days in this generation there is people like this charachter whom seek for the comfort and love they dont recieve, they " search for love in the wrong places" thinking it's the love they deserve. My mother ALWAYS told me " you cannot expect someone else to love you when you dont even love yourself." Being raped is one of the most devasting things ever, well seems like it is. After going through a rough time like that im sure all you'll want is just the shoulder of a friend or mother and when you have nothing it hurts more. Just think about it this way, getting rape is in event that stays with you forever mostly goes with you where ever you are. Here's the thing though, this can either break you or make you a better person. So don't get thinking that just because you did a mistake you are consider a bad person no way! In order to grow and learn about life you'll have to make mistakes. Therefore, I want to thanks alex so much for sharing this piece with people. I know if anyone reads this, this will make them think deep and maybe like me think about a bad event that happen in their life and reflect on making good decisions.

The author's comments:

This writing inspired me in so many ways, because i remember about a bad event that happen in my life and how I like the charachter as well seeked for help and wasn't getting it. From bad experinces I've out grown so much and realized that bad stuff are supposed to happen. Nothing in this world should ever make me second guess who I am, because I am a good person just like anyone else. Our mistakes do not determine the person we are.

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