New York | Teen Ink

New York

December 5, 2014
By amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Rules for NYC Tourists” by Cyd Sacks is a very funny.  Sacks talks about how to be a perfect tourist by trying to get on the nerves of native New Yorkers.  The examples he gives are daily things tourist do and probably are actions people should not try.  Some of them are not safe.  One example being to take a picture of an intersection right when the light turns green.  In my opinion this article teaches ways to make people upset.  Although this author was probably just trying to make a person laugh when writing this, we also have to think about the other person.  They could have a very important meeting and when some kid decides to act like he or she does not know what a MetroCard is can cause the worker to be late.

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