Feedback on "The Heisman Controversy" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Heisman Controversy"

January 10, 2015
By LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

      When people hear of the Heisman Trophy, many immediately think of a great award that goes to amazing college football players. However, “The Heisman Controversy,” by Kevin Schroeder, brings up an important issue regarding the prestigious award; not all who get it deserve it. Kevin points out in the very beginning of the article that the Heisman Trophy is given to an exceptional player, “…who combines excellence with integrity both on and off the field.” However, as Kevin reveals, some recent winners don’t meet all the qualifications.
      The first player that Kevin mentions is Cam Newton, who had his father “pay for play,” or pay Mississippi State University so his son could transfer there. The fact that a player who has clearly broken NCAA rules won a trophy can clearly send a bad message to future players. They can do what they want, but as long as they’re good on the field, they can win the trophy. Another shocking winner was Jameis Winston, who was charged with sexual assault, but it was, as Kevin states, “…put on hold due to Tallahassee investigators convincing the victim that her life ‘would be miserable’ because Tallahassee is ‘a big football town.’” Kevin has opened people’s eyes to an issue that many wouldn’t expect to be a problem, as winning a trophy is usually a good thing, but he shows us that isn’t the case when it comes to the Heisman Trophy.

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