Feedback on Princeton University College Review | Teen Ink

Feedback on Princeton University College Review

January 13, 2015
By nzlato GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
nzlato GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all grow up hearing the names of colleges that we can only dream to get into. Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. But, thinking about it, do we know that much about them? Danielle Green’s Princeton University review helped me clearly picture Princeton University in the best ways. Not only did the author describe Princeton from many different aspects, but she also did it very well. I enjoyed reading this review.
    First, Danielle talks about how prestigious and renowned Princeton is. She explains that the school is “500 acres and hosting 5,244 undergraduate students. With a 7.4 acceptance rate…” Instead of just talking about how great the school is the author writes what the school places the most emphasis on, which is social sciences, languages, and humanities. Green mentions the courses that all students have to take as well as the price for education at Princeton. Also, she writes that Princeton University has a beautiful campus and describes the ivy and fountains. Just by reading the review I learned more about Princeton than I have ever known. Danielle Green says that she wasn’t interested in the school until after the tour, where she fell in love with the school. “I changed my mind about Princeton after visiting.” This inspired me to come to Princeton for a tour as well. Danielle Green’s review explains exactly what Princeton University is like. Now it’s your turn. Read this interesting and informative review and decide for yourself… Is Princeton the school for you?

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