There's No Crying In "The Fault In Our Stars" | Teen Ink

There's No Crying In "The Fault In Our Stars"

February 8, 2015
By amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While “Why I hated “The Fault in Our Stars”” might make some fans upset it really did not make me upset.  I also read the book and watched the movie and I did not cry what so ever over it.  It was kind of a suspire to find some one who also did not cry.  Everybody that I know who watched the movie all said that they did cried.  It was rather sad to hear what Emily’s father and family had to go through.  My reason for not crying is totally different from Emily’s.  Actually I have no reason I just never cry.

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