16 And Definately Not Pregnant | Teen Ink

16 And Definately Not Pregnant

March 10, 2015
By Samarra,Clemons BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Samarra,Clemons BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When things get tough you can either quit or keep pushing forward"
"Everyday we should be living life to the fullest, school is just another stepping stone in the road we call Life."
"Sometimes we just have to set ourselves free, to peace."

In accordance with Ms. Rodriguez, I think it's a good thing to do what you like. Yeah there are people who are school-bound, but it doesn't hurt to have some fun every once in awhile. People may be smart; however, some dont have to 'social skills' to talk to people. Although this is not always the case. Everyday we should be living life to the fullest, school is just another stepping stone in the road we call Life.

The author's comments:

She knew that school was important, but sometimes you just got to set yourself free.

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