A Victim to Heroin | Teen Ink

A Victim to Heroin

March 10, 2015
By YumiZeee BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
YumiZeee BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Being a part of something special, makes you special"

As I read through Allison’s “A Victim to Heroin,” it became increasingly noticeable that her experience with the addictive and life ruining drug could be an experience that we could all have the unfortunate destiny to be met with. Allison lets the hardships when faced with this drug be known as well as offer a list of symptoms in hope that if any of us notice the behavior in our loved ones, we will have enough time to help them and prevent their demise.
Allison’s heartbreaking story highlights the horrors of drug abuse and how different it can make us behave even when surrounded by the people we love. “A Victim to Heroin” shines a light on the various telling signs of when someone may be a drug addict and enforces the idea that, if given enough time, we can help those who are swayed by the power of the addiction.
I’d like to thank Allison for sharing her story, not only because it must have taken a lot to share such a tear inducing experience, but also because it just might help other readers around the country who struggle with drug addictions or have relatives that are subjected to drugs. I want to thank her for leading me to reflect on the possible horrors I can encounter as well as her insight on how time really does make a difference in these types of scenarios.

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