Women of Ivory Coast | Teen Ink

Women of Ivory Coast

March 10, 2015
By Jessica Blanco BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jessica Blanco BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I felt captivated by the way Fatim H. describes her daily life with her family. The way she describes her lifestyle makes me think of how I would feel if my life were like that. Her article makes me feel sympathy for women from the ivory coast who may not have the same opportunities or treatment  women in America receive. “I feel like the men in my community treat women more like dogs than people.” Fatim says that after she describes her normal family gathering and how women also subject themselves to men so they also do not fight back the treatment they receive but agree to it. This article made me feel different sentiments, since I am a woman, I would not like to see any of my female family members treated that way. 

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