Fighting My Demons | Teen Ink

Fighting My Demons

March 10, 2015
By KiaraCastro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KiaraCastro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all have our demons to fight, and like Rebecca wrote in her article, "Fighting My Demons," the battle isn't always easy and we don't always come out winning. Like Rebecca, my demon is fear. Fear of people, fear of lonliness, fear of speaking infront of a crowd, but my worst fear are my thoughts. They whisper the same phrase over and over until I have nothing left to do but to believe them. They look like bad people. They probably don't like me. Why am I wearing this, I look ugly. I'm fat. I am dumb. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I am stuck, like many others, "unable to let go of terrifying thoughts," and I can't break free and face my fears. Rebecca illustrates these fears, these demons, amazingly and thoroughly describes how we feel and what goes through our heads. She points out it is difficult when we don't have someone supporting us and telling us it is going to be alright. We always need someone beside us to help us defeat our demons and I thank Rebecca for showing us we are not alone and that we should never give up.

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