I Overcame | Teen Ink

I Overcame

March 26, 2015
By Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle"

The memoir “I Overcame,” by “Heather” was powerful and deep. It was beautifully written and the author described her emotions perfectly. She and her family were extremely poor and spent six years of their life living in basements. Heather compares her life to one of a “cave-dweller” or “nomad,” as her “underground chambers were never permanent.” The author knewwould leave her, and she did.

Such a situation is difficult to describe and put into words, but Heather did a wonderful job. Even though her life has been miserable and she unfortunately did not experience an amazing childhood, the author still has an optimistic outlook on life. She is a warrior. Heather says, “Victory or defeat does not matter. It’s what I learn from them that matters.”

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