The Other Sophia | Teen Ink

The Other Sophia

April 26, 2015
By Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Vika14 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle"

The memoir, "The Other Sophia," by Sophia Watwood was by far one of my most favorite memoirs. Humorous and beautifully-written, Sophie described how it feels like to share her name with 50,000 other Sophias, particularly one of them. Sophie turned this Sophia into an idol, a goddess. She felt like Sophia was better at everything, like everyone liked her more.
      However, at the end of this short piece, Sophie decided that the Sophia she once viewed as "competition," was just as human as she was. She realized that Sophia was full of flaws, like she was. She realized, "I am not the other Sophia. I am no one's lesser version."
       This amazing piece is eye-opening and definitely a must-read.

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