Review of Going Online vs. Going Outside | Teen Ink

Review of Going Online vs. Going Outside

September 15, 2015
By OfficeAssistant BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
OfficeAssistant BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled Going Online vs. Going Outside written by Sandra Silva I felt intrigued about people not being satisfied due to technology left me feeling quite guilty due to the fact I feel the same way. I agree with Silva when he/she says, “Those of us removed from nature are left with a feeling of dissatisfaction” because I noticed when I am inside all day I tend to get bored or not satisfied. I was intrigued or surprised when she pointed out “’… 6 billion people had access to mobile phones,” according to a United Nations study. By comparison, only about 4.5 billion have access to toilets.”’ The reason this was surprising is because more people have access to mobile phones that they do to toilets. That’s crazy. I think that my town might have the same problem because when I go on walks I only see TVs on inside and no children or even adults outside.

The author's comments:

It says i agree with the author and how i relate. It also says how it is a problem in my home town.

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