Review of Not Just A Pretty Face | Teen Ink

Review of Not Just A Pretty Face

September 15, 2015
By e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I strongly agree with the ideas portrayed in Cassidy E.’s story “Not Just a Pretty Face”.  Even though I have never participated in beauty pageants, I can relate to her feelings “pageantry is more than just a walk on the runway”.  Being involved in 4-H and FFA I know the feeling of the public not understanding the purpose behind what I do and enjoy.  Just like pageantry 4-H involves “hard physical, mental, and emotional work and practice”.  I think the public shouldn’t judge something if they do not know all the work it entails.  Cassidy displayed very good points in the story.  The article about something she loves became very persuasive.

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