Feedback on To Our Collective Body | Teen Ink

Feedback on To Our Collective Body

September 24, 2015
By rebeccaaaa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
rebeccaaaa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The text called "To Our Collective Body" is by Daisy Blossom Dorty is a text that tells everybody to be comfortable in their own skin. The text shows everybody that no matter what their body looks like, they should be comfortable with themselves. Daisy is trying to convey that people should not be able to bring you down based on your body image and that you can prove them wrong. This text is inspirational to those who have been put down due to the issue of body image.

In my life, there were plenty of instances where people have tried to put me down. I am not fat, so many people called me skinny and that really hurt me. They always try to put me down. This text has showed me that no matter what I look like, nobody will be able to put me down. The poem is very inspirational to those who have been put down based on body image.

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