Feedback on Not Just a Pretty Face | Teen Ink

Feedback on Not Just a Pretty Face

September 25, 2015
By dkofman SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
dkofman SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Not Just a Pretty Face" by Cassidy Emerson is an interesting piece that gives readers a deeper glance into the culture of beauty pageants. Even before she knew how to walk the writer participated in toddler beauty pageants. As she grew however pageants followed her. The author discusses the bad press that beauty pageants get for spray tanning a young child, or imposing 'unrealistic beauty standards' upon young women. The author however tries to get the reader to truly look beyond the bad PR and see that pageants teach girls and young women the importance of having self esteem, keeping a healthy lifestyle, and being intelligent. Thusly I can safely say that the article is a very informative and beautifully written one.


Personally, I really enjoyed reading the text. I feel as though Cassidy wrote it as someone who truly has first hand experience in the topic. The text itself flows brilliantly and the author uses terms like "diaper diva" to conjure laughs from readers. I can say that as someone who before the article was completely clueless as to the world of beauty pageants I was pleasantly surprised by how detailed and informative the article was. Once again I'd like to mention what a fantastic and useful piece it is.

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