''Hate is a strong word'' | Teen Ink

''Hate is a strong word''

September 28, 2015
By Stefany_Merano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Stefany_Merano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Ayling Dominguez, in her article, ''Hate is a strong word'' because I know how it feels to be angry and not have hate in my heart, when Ayling said ''eyes beady enough to be strung along a rich old womens neck'', I could understand that feeling there was times i got so mad, my eyes were beedy but to describe the feeling I couldn't use hate. Hate is a not something that i would put in my vocabulary, but i can highly dislike something or someone. Thank you, Ayling for sharing your opinion about the word hate.

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