Feedback on "Techie Haiku" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Techie Haiku"

October 7, 2015
By Anonymous

            "Techie Haiku," is a short poem written in 5-6-5 haiku format, in which the speaker agrees to the terms and conditions.  According to the speaker, agreeing to the terms and conditions is the most frequent lie.  The writer is able to express an opinion in a way that is quick and relatable.

              The main reason I find this poem favorable is because it is relatable.  People encounter terms and conditions during the process of registering for something.  They would probably rather it go as quickly and smoothly as possible.  Terms and conditions do not consider this because they can be pages long in small print.  People don't want to deal with it, so they scroll right to the bottom and agree, without knowing what they have promised.  "Techie Haiku" causes the readers to reconsider their actions.

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