Feedback on "Hello" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Hello"

October 7, 2015
By Lmaokai GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Lmaokai GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Hello" by Kylie Doupnik is a beautifully written poem about the kind of relationship and interactions she used to share with one of her friends. The author reminisces about how she used to maintain a close bond with said friend and how they would always be talking with each other. However, now is a different story. The author describes how the times have changed and that their once compact friendship is no longer. "Hello" has touched me deeply since I have gone through similar experiences in my life that I have come to regret and learn from.


"Hello" contains a story that I can really relate to. Losing very close friends was something that I went through when I had to leave them when I was separated from them because we were admitted into different middle schools. Instead of preserving the our relationship, I kind of stopped conversing with her. Although I couldn't see her much in real life anymore, we could still communicate through means of technology. Yet, that was something I did not do. I felt that we would still have our close bond no matter what we did, but I was terribly wrong. We grew distant and now I have no idea of how to mend our relationship. For example, the author states, "Now, the phone feels heavy in my hand./I don't even remember/How to say/Hello."
All I can do now is learn from my mistake and uphold the friendships I really care for. Now that I am almost going to a different school and will probably we separated from my friends, I know now that I should keep in touch with my friends often even though I may not see them as much as I used to. Overall, I felt this article was something that brought back important memories for me. It demonstrates what I have learned over the past years; change will eventually come but do not let this change come between you and someone that you hold close to your heart.

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