Review of In Mexico | Teen Ink

Review of In Mexico

October 26, 2015
By McGuire BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
McGuire BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “In Mexico” by Alejandra M, I felt her meaning and everything she went through.  She had a numerous number of sentences that included great use of imagery, and I could see and feel how every sentence was meant to be.  Alejandra says, “In Mexico, only a few miles divide the people with manicured fingers, pool houses, and Gucci bags from the ones with ragged shoes, a hole for a toilet, and only the foul taste of their breath in their empty stomachs.” Alejandra is telling us Americans to not think that something is bad when it is just a small thing because we don’t know how bad it truly could be, we don’t know half the story.  She put her heart out in this article when she said, “In Mexico, when someone says your name, you answer with ‘Mande,’ meaning ‘Lead,’ meaning ‘I am your servant,’ meaning ‘I can do nothing but follow.’” Her heart is going out to everyone in this one sentence because she reflected on what she went through and how people and children are treated in Mexico they are treated as trash with no respect because they don’t know the in-between they only have “the billionaires and we have the extreme hunger-naires.”  This article made me realize how easy we have it here in America and how we shouldn’t take what we have, even if it seems little to us, for granted.

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