Streetlights and Stars | Teen Ink

Streetlights and Stars

October 27, 2015
By e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “Streetlights and Stars” by Patience K.  a teenager tells how friends can come in all shapes and sizes, and friendship is a one of a kind trait.  Her abstract way of telling this story captures the reader in the first paragraph.   Sharing her way of how “the oddest of friends” were able to “relive the good memories and some of the bad” while under a streetlight. 

Patience’s story is one that reminds me to enjoy life.  It has a deeper meaning than just the words on the page, and makes the reader think to figure out what is going on.  It has a touch of young romance and a spark of unlikely friendship.  Just like Patience was “playing a game with the streetlights and stars” maybe we should play more games in life to make ourselves calm down and breathe.

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