Your LIttle Sister | Teen Ink

Your LIttle Sister

December 2, 2015
By KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
KortM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article, “Your Little Sister,” Kimberly Y. is frequently known for her older sister’s accomplishments, characteristics, and qualities, instead of her own.  She was constantly compared to her sibling, until the relieving opportunity of studying abroad in Paris approached her.  By studying in another land, she begins a new chapter in her life to, “have the chance to define me.”  I relate to her situation, but I understand her case in her sister’s point of view.  Because I am an older sister, I believe I need to be a positive role model in my little sister’s life; however I do not want her have the pressure of thinking she has to excel the same way I have and follow in my footsteps.  She does not need to be known as “her little sister.”

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