Ice Princess | Teen Ink

Ice Princess

December 4, 2015
By barbara_99 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
barbara_99 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Judith Chicaine's article, "Ice Princess" extremely moving because she didn't like skating because of the medals; she loved it because of the second family she acquired. One Saturday morning after so long of not skating, Judith put on her tights and blue dress and joined the Learn to Skate grou. For the next 11 years every weekend from November to March she did the same routine. Eventually, she became the teacher. Judith writes, I always found it peculiar that my students would beg me to execute jumps and spins for them, until their parents stopped me in the walkway and expressed their gratitude, saying I had been inspirational to their children." She was glad to be this inspiration to their young skaters. Thank you, Judith for sharing your inspring story about being a role model.

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