Feedback on A Lifetime of Abuse | Teen Ink

Feedback on A Lifetime of Abuse

January 6, 2016
By rebeccaaaa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
rebeccaaaa GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine living in a box, where the only air you could breathe was toxic and made it hard to breathe. This is how the author of the piece "A Lifetime of Abuse" felt. The story is about someone who had overdosed on pills, and believed that she was a failure. While the story overall was very negative, the positive that came out of this story was the message it conveyed. It was very inspiring, showing that with perseverance and determination, you can rise above the rest and conquer. 

This is not relatable to me, but it can be relatable to some unfortunately. The author did a great job putting the reader in their mind and using descriptive words to make the reader feel for them. The piece showed to never give up, and that it will all be okay. 

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