The Truth About Eating Disorders | Teen Ink

The Truth About Eating Disorders

January 26, 2016
By KarenMedrano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KarenMedrano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Society is cruel, and sets preposterous standards for teens. I agree with Lisa on her article "The Truth About Eating Disorders", as she admits these standards are manipulative. As a teen myself, it is true we compare each other under many circumstances from intellect to appearance. To cause more controversy, social media, and clothing stores encourage eating disorders by setting certain beliefs of what someone should look like. Since this generation of teens rely upon these opinions on the net; they eventually agree with the bandwagon to gain popularity, or to follow the trend. Lisa's experience can influence many fellow teens, and help them discover society's misconceptions of beauty; therefore, she deserves great respect for sharing her story which, will be the voice of others who have suffered the same fate.

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