Feedback on "Suck It In" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Suck It In"

February 3, 2016
By Daobin SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Daobin SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Suck It In", by Kristin Hopkins shows the real life struggles of a teenage girl trying to accept her body. On a trip to a beach during Kristin's vacation to France, an insensitive comment from her mother about her belly throws her into a hole of shame and humiliation. This starts a chain reaction of Kristin noticing the imperfections of her body and the judgement that hangs within the people around her. This article was very informative and helpful, as it realistically depicted the struggles of trying to fit and feel comfortable in your own skin. 

There are many other people in this world like Kristin, who hate their bodies, and despise their looks. And even though a single few paragraphs can't change everyone's outlook on themselves, I want Kristen and everyone else who is struggling to know that their body is beautiful. That it should never be something for people to judge you upon. That it should never determine your self value. I hope Kristen and everyone else will one day be able to look in the mirror and accept what they seee. To love the person staring back. In the article, Kristen states, "My belly had vanished along with my naïveté about what true beauty means to people." Your belly didn't have to vanish. The people did. Thank you Kristen, for showing your journey and going as far to publish it. You're a brave person for that, and I hope the future awaits you with bright lights. 

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