Idiotic Questions | Teen Ink

Idiotic Questions

February 18, 2016
By tatam_kramer BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
tatam_kramer BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Shari's article, "Idiotic Questions," extemely moving because the reality of stereotypical questions is that they are more destructive than thought. Shari's response, "...don't expect the next black person you ask to have the strenght to overcome the pain...," manifests the idea that although some individuals do not mind the moronic questions relating to their ethnicity, others may. Race and its misconceptions have been for some time now an issue minors do not grasp. By raising awareness to the internal damage that can be caused Shari is preventing physiological harm to minors. Thank you, Shari for publishing your experience with race customs and bringing attention to the fact that it needs to stop. 

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