Our Relationship Road | Teen Ink

Our Relationship Road

March 21, 2016
By mtressler52 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
mtressler52 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Our Relationship Road written by Bridget D. is a short poem about how relationships work through a different perspective. The writer starts off with the way people act when they are around their crush. They become so awkward and unlike themselves. Comparing this to a long drive on a road, Bridget D. explains that a relationship can start off bumpy with lots of potholes but in time the road can change. Once a person crosses the “awkward stage” of a relationship the real journey begins: the relationship stage. “Every road sign is an event, every exit a problem, and every detour the compromise.” Honestly, this is true for a relationship. It will defiantly have some fights but they can always be solved if the two people are willing to fix it. Overall the poem is very well written and is true for any kind of relationship out there.  No matter how long the drive, “you drive it together.” 

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