The Wind | Teen Ink

The Wind

April 10, 2016
By hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mistakes are pinful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience"

     I read "The Wind by Eliza Moore. I really like this poem because of its uniqueness. I've never read a poem about the beauty of nature and then saying you're terrified of the wind. It uncovers secrets about you and reveals what kind of character you are.

     I like how the poem is so simple but so creative. The line "What if I told you I was a kite, my strings tethered to the ground." This shows that her character lays low and doesn't do crazy things. The author did a really good job with characterization and I admire that.

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