Please Respect My Choice | Teen Ink

Please Respect My Choice

September 19, 2016
By samplatten67 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
samplatten67 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with Ava Budari-Glenn in her article "Please Respect My Choice"  that politics should allow us to progress as a country in unity rather than tearing us apart over opinions. For example, she discusses how she's a feminist and supports Hillary Clinton, she has been accused of supporting her "because she's a woman," (Budavari-Glenn). However, she emphasizes that she supports her for being "the most qualified," and that her being a woman doesn't affect her vote, (Ava Budari-Glenn). Moreover, she expresses that the only requirement to be a feminist is to believe that both genders deserve equal rights, and that you shouldn't be pressured to support a certain side. I believe this as different candidates have different beliefs and points and are a lot more complex than being just a supporter of feminism; therefore, feminists shouldn't be boxed into just one candidate. You should be able to keep your options open while also being an open supporter of the equal rights of both men and women. 

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